There are 106 days left in 2019.

Need I say more? Well, I’m gonna.

There are in fact only 95 days left until December 20th. So in all reality there are less than 100 days left for you to achieve your goals for the year.

The optimist in me wants to tell you there is still time. The realist in me knows that there is not that much time.


When we start each year we get a boost of inspiration. We feel the possibility of who we might be in that year. Whether you write it down or not, whether you call them New Year’s Resolutions or not, you planted seeds at the start of the year. There was a voice inside you that said “this year will be different”. This is the year I will [insert glorious achievement here].

I dare you to write that goal down, do it now, commit it to paper. If you have multiple goals, even better, write them all down.

With 100 days left you have two options. Take urgent and immediate action or rip that piece of paper to shreds. You heard me: it’s do or die time.


Urgent and Immediate action looks like any one of (and preferably all of) the following:

  • Set two hours aside every morning to work on that project. You can choose evening but I promise you that you will make up excuses as the end of the day rolls around;

  • Write two actions for each goal that you can (and will) complete this week;

  • Write a complete list of all actions you think you need to do to accomplish that goal and schedule them for the remaining 13 weeks in the year;

  • Unschedule one day a week to work on that project (this will not work as well if you are working on a diet, exercise or wellness pursuit);

  • Call a friend and ask them to be your accountability buddy that you can check in with each week; and

  • Write your goal on your bathroom mirror (a recent trick that was shared with me that I think is brilliant: try and avoid that each morning).


Each week is a new beginning just as every morning can be a new beginning. The inspiration to be a better version of yourself doesn’t just have to come at the start of the new year. It is available all year long, well, for another 106 days at least.