
PhotoCredit: Busted?

Next Monday will be the first day of February. WTF! While 2020 felt like it would never end, 2021 has some sort of lightning speed quality. My inner-overachiever is hyperventilating at the notion I have almost lost 1/12th of the year. Am I on track? Are you on track?

The next thought I have is, do I even care? 2020 was the year of “anything could happen”, and did happen. We learnt that anything and everything could fall apart at any minute. Let us never forget that at one point we couldn’t even rely on being able to buy toilet paper. 2020 was a not-so-subtle teacher delivering a repeated lesson of the need for agility and flexibility. 

This is a great lesson. As one of my yoga teachers says “right now it’s like this, may I be at ease”. I said that quite a bit last year.

So, we can’t blame ourselves for approaching 2021 with a little hesitation. For having a heavy dose of “fu*ks given, zero” about everything. My 'give a damn' is a little bit busted, to quote a country song I once heard.

Busted but not beyond repair. We have one week left in January. Let’s make it count. In fact, it’s a great thing that there is one week. Seven days is so doable.

So, here is my question for you. Can you tell me what the most important thing for you is in 2021? What is your biggest goal? The “O” in your OKR? If you get to the end of 2021 with only one thing done, what is that one thing?

Now tell me, what can you do for one week against that goal? I am committing to my breath-work practice. I can do that every day for a week, no problem. What can you commit to? It’s never too late to start. And it’s still January. We’ve got heaps of time.