PhotoCredit: Sleepy

My first ever binge-watching session was Season One of The Office (British). It was very pre-Netflix...I had borrowed the DVD set and popped those disc's like Pringles. Life was busy. Work was insane. Bingeing was an indulgent escapism and I loved every minute of it. 

Best of all it was free. Literally free and, bonus, calorie and alcohol free. Not really though, right? We have all felt the binge-hangover. Screen time surely playing a part, inactivity playing a part and I have always felt there was something else going on too. There is an inexplicable exhaustion that seems to come from watching television, despite how relaxing it seems in the moment.

I'm not a scientist - and I don't play one on TV - but I did a little online digging to see what the internet thought. It seems that when we zone out watching shows we do "relax", as our brain waves switch from beta (critical thinking) to alpha (daydreaming and rest). Alpha waves are also what we generate when we meditate. That seems like a step in the right direction. So what's up?

Personally, I find I have to watch something quite brainless otherwise I can't tune out. My brain starts trying to spot continuity issues or have deep philosophical thoughts about the devolution of modern society. OK, probably not that deep, but it occurs to me that this might be the issue. I'm not sustaining any prolonged state of alpha so, while in theory I am turning my brain off, it's not really rest. In the same way, I think this is why people struggle with meditation in the beginner stage; the constant interference from one's brain is beyond frustrating. Trying not to think is damn hard work.

Binge-watching through the pandemic has been needed escapism. Escapism and also a sense of connection. I have noticed I am drawn to shows that feature my favorite international cities. Almost hanging out for the street scenes and hunting for places I recognize. I'm honestly not sure if that is a good thing or not. Psychologically, is that making me lament the new-normal or connecting me to happy memories?

My conclusion is that it's a mixed bag. Indulge and escape into other worlds. Just know it's not likely rest-ful. The best advice I stumbled across was to watch as much TV as you do exercise in a given day. I like the idea of looking for balance in the equation. The good with the "bad". And lord knows we all need a few treats these days. Deprivation has no place in a pandemic.