
It's a curious kind of crazy in the world right now. All the superlatives are being used to describe it. My favorite superlative is extraordinary. This is what we must be amidst the chaos. 

Extraordinarily Brave. Extraordinarily Kind. Extraordinarily Safe.

How you show up in these times will dictate your future. Busy, reactive and fearful will not win this race. Your power move in the coming weeks is precision.

My advice:
1. Sleep. It's hard to rest but sleep is the number one way to build your immunity. Do not compromise.
2. Laugh. Golden Retriever Puppies on google image search always does it for me. Laughter is the best way to do an instant full body reboot.
3. Breath. If you feel the panic coming on just focus your mind on your breath. Breathe in and out through your nose. Slow your inhale and slow your exhale even more. 
4. Tea. When you don't know what else to do, go and make a cup of tea. Hot beverages also send a message to your brain that everything is going to be alright.

We are squigglers. We know what to do. We've got this!